Microsoft word widows and orphans
Microsoft word widows and orphans

This is normal because lines have to be moved to get rid of the widow or orphan. Using widow and orphan control can frequently cause extra blank lines to appear at the bottom of a page or column. You could turn on this setting in your paragraph styles in a Word template so you don’t have to worry about applying it manually. When you turn on widow and orphan control for a paragraph, neither widows nor orphans will occur for that paragraph when the document repaginates. You cannot control only the widow or only the orphan for a paragraph. For more information about line numbering, see Chapter 21, "Mastering Page Setup and Pagination.Widow and orphan control is applied separately for each paragraph. The Line And Page Breaks tab also contains a Suppress Line Numbers check box, which prevents line numbers from appearing if you're using the line numbering feature. To apply the pagination controls found on the Line And Page Breaks tab in the Paragraph dialog box to an entire document, press Ctrl+A to select the entire document before configuring the pagination check boxes. You might want to configure this option if you think the selection might cause pagination problems or if you want to ensure that content, such as a section title, appears at the top of a new page. Page Break Before inserts a manual page break before the selected paragraph.This feature can come in handy when you're using paragraphs that work together to create a single element, such as a table and a table caption. Keep With Next prevents a page break from occurring between the selected paragraph and the following paragraph.When a page break is needed, Word moves the entire paragraph to the next page. Keep Lines Together prevents page breaks from occurring within selected paragraphs.The Widow/Orphan Control check box is selected by default. Typesetters have been struggling to avoid widows and orphans for centuries. Widow/Orphan Control ensures that the last line of a paragraph doesn't appear by itself at the top of a new page (a widow) or that the first line of a paragraph isn't displayed by itself at the bottom of a page (an orphan).The following line and page break options are available: To apply the line and page break settings, select the text you want to format, display the Line And Page Breaks tab, and select the appropriate check boxes. You can control line and page breaks to some extent in Word by selecting check boxes on the Line And Page Breaks tab. The main area to turn to when you want to control line and page breaks is the Line And Page Breaks tab in the Paragraph dialog box, shown in Figure 7-9.įigure 7-9. In addition to aligning paragraphs, adjusting line spacing, and setting tabs, you can fine-tune the flow of your paragraphs by controlling line and page breaks.

Microsoft word widows and orphans