My wife decided she really liked shooting my Ruger LCR-22, and claimed it as "hers", so I was out of a snub 22 revolver.The pull on my Taurus is nice. One of my favorite LGS had a 4" Pathfinder 6 shot, and I had handled it and liked what I saw. In the couple months before I bought the Pathfinder, I had bought a 4" S&W 617, and one of the new, 8 shot Ruger SP101-22s, so I wasnt looking for another 22 revolver. I am jealous, and hope to add one just like yours to my collection some day.įunny story. I apologize to 22_plinker for hijacking his thread. Here is a shot of the cylinder, and the original 3 finger grip. I am hoping that since they have taken down the listings for all Pathfinders except the 2" models, that means that production of more 8 shot Pathfinder models is coming soon. They recently had 4" Pathfinders in LR and WMR, a 5" LR, and a 4" LR~WMR Combo, with 2 cylinders. I just looked at the Charter websight, and only the 2" Pathfinders are listed now. Someone contacted Charter and the answer was that they were in the process of converting all Pathfinders to 8 shot. Shortly after I got it home, I started a thread at several forums, asking when the Pathfinder became an 8 shot. I asked to see it, thinking I could live with 6 shots, but when I opened the cylinder, I knew it was going home with me, right then and there. I had in mind a S&W 317, but when I saw the 2" Pathfinder, I assumed it was a 6 shot. I was on my way to pick up my daughter, had some time to kill, and decided to see what I could get to replace my LCR-22. My wife decided she really liked shooting my Ruger LCR-22, and claimed it as "hers", so I was out of a snub 22 revolver.